After April showers, what’s next?
Surviving a rocky market
The investment community loves superlatives, especially when coupled with a distinct period of time.
“Worst month ever!”
“Best quarter in history!”
“Highest annual profits on record!”
As long-term investors, we know these declarations are neither insightful nor helpful for your own personal investment strategy. But sometimes the headlines are hard to ignore, and we are waking up to plenty of them today. April 2022 was in fact the toughest month in the market since spring 2020, and technology stocks had their worst month since 2008.
Even when we recognize that we are sitting on top of years of compounded gains in the market, these drops can be hard to stomach.
The factors that drive the market are largely out of our control.
Inflation. Interest rates. Corporate earnings.
Fortunately, we have some control over the factors that drive individual investment outcomes.
Asset allocation. Risk tolerance. Tax-loss harvesting.
These are arrows in our quiver for the long-term management of portfolios. And that’s why we must always keep these front and center regardless of the news of the day.
I had the pleasure of speaking with nearly all of you at the end of Q1 about the markets and your portfolios. I always love hearing what is on your minds when it comes to your financial goals, and to share how we are planning for that together.
While I don’t know what the market will do this month, this quarter, or even this year, I do know that time in the market is more important than timing the market.
We will continue to keep the focus on your personal goals and manage your investments accordingly.
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The views expressed in this commentary should not be taken as tax or legal advice, or specific investment recommendations. Past performance is not an indication of future results.